Universität Bonn  


Computer Science Dept. I BibRelEx Download

BibRelEx: Exploring Bibliographic Databases by Visualization of Contents-Based Relations

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Beta 1.12

December 10, 2002
some small improvements

Limitations, Bug Fixes and known errors, Licenses
see version Beta 1.00

Beta 1.11

October 09, 2002
some small improvements; especially better BibRelEx Embedder

Beta 1.10

September 14, 2002
new feature: interactive creation of annotations and bibliographic links in visualization

Beta 1.09

September 04, 2002
bug fix: toggle on/off for cluster
simplification of filter activation

Beta 1.08

July 28, 2002
new function: general hierarchical layout (not only for time representation)

Beta 1.07

July 12, 2002
Improvement: Via the context menu (click right mouse button) of the URL field files can be downloaded. In case of ftp protocol the loaded files are unpacked (if the ending Z, gz, zip is) and shown with ghostview (ending ps), acroread (ending pdf) or in a text window (ending htm(l)) automatically. In case of http protocol netscape is called automatically with the appropriate url.

Beta 1.06

July 10, 2002
Just one small bug fix, affecting saving options

Beta 1.05

June 22, 2002
Just one small bug fix, affecting inconsistency check

Beta 1.04

June 20, 2002
documentation continued, improved link aggregation

Beta 1.03

June 16, 2002
improved animation of all 2d layout algorithms

Beta 1.00

June 12, 2002
First official released version for PCs running under Suse Linux. Mostly stable. Tested on Linux Pc's with Suse Linux 7.2 and later.


  • no documentation,
  • only determines inconsistencies without dircect changes; until now user must edit the entries themselve,
  • ignores comments in BibTeX files,
  • more see "open problems" section in the online help of BibRelEx.

Bug Fixes and known errors

Free for non-commercial use. No source code available to avoid licensing problems. BibRelEx uses C++ LEDA library of the data types and algorithms of combinatorial computing and C++ AGD library of algorithms for graph drawing. According to the conditions of its use I am "... not allowed to use the software for commercial purposes or to distribute (parts of) the software or programs implemented using the software to a commercial user." Unless you will be using BibRelEx for research or educational purposes only you need a LEDA/AGD licence. Please, see LEDA/AGD home page for the details. BibRelEx also uses Qt/X11 Free Edition and embedded database system BerkeleyDB. Both are open source software.

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Comments, contributions or constructive criticism may be sent to landgraf@cs.uni-bonn.de

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